Thursday, January 18, 2007


Kidderminster, Worcestershire: Rosemary Bishop

When Rosemary Bishop challenged a group of nearly 50 youths who were ravaging her neighbourhood, they launched a personal attack on her and her family.
Rosemary, 56, contacted Mums’ Army to say: ‘I was subjected to verbal abuse, my family was threatened, my windows were smashed and parts of dead animals were left on my step. I was forced to call the police again and again. This went on for two years.
‘I wasn’t the only one being victimised, but the police couldn’t do anything without witnesses. I was the only one willing to stand up in court, and eventually five ASBOs were given.
‘I formed a neighbourhood action group and now things are improving. Even though the youths destroyed my life, I don’t regret challenging them, and I want to continue to better my community.’
Rosemary Bishop,
Kidderminster, Worcestershire
Tel: 07905 529081

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