Monday, September 18, 2006


Newhaven, East Sussex: Marion MacQueen

After arsonists burnt out a nursery playground used by local children, the manager Marion MacQueen has decided to join Mums’ Army. Marion, 43, says: ‘I just can’t believe that someone would do this. Over the past few years this nursery has been dramatically improved and the play area was refurbished only 12 months ago. Children from all walks of life, often with behavioural and emotional problems greatly benefited from all the play equipment.
‘But now it has been completely destroyed. We are a charity and it’s heart breaking explaining to the children, especially those with special needs, that their favourite toy has gone because some nasty people have caused a fire.
‘I have read Take a Break for years and hope that I can receive help and support to give our children back their playground and to make sure that something like this never happens again.’
Marion MacQueen,
Newhaven, East Sussex
Tel: 01273 516099

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